Feliz Navidad!

“Happy Birthday, King Jesus!”


“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

(Isaiah 9:6)

Because He came, we can go.

Lets celebrate Him.

Merry Christmas, friends!


“I Am Accepted”

“Unwrapping the gift of freedom this Christmas.”


“Performance was a big problem for me.  As a child growing up, I always sought to perform for the approval and validation of people. I harbored a compulsive need to top my class, and I would work my tired fingers to the bone. Needless to say, I found myself on the hampster wheel of performance and ended up extremely weary, tired, exhausted, depleted – needing hope.

That was when I turned my life over to Christ. As I gave myself over to receiving mega doses of the Father’s Love, I realised that beneath all these layers of performance, the root of the issue that plagued my soul was –

To read the rest of this story from my life and the testimony of God’s grace, I invite you, friend to visit my guest post live with my creative friend, Jennie Denney!

I’m attaching the link to her website below:


I hope and pray you find freedom in these words just like I did too.

Many blessings this season!


Dear Friend

Post #400 – Yipee Yay & Thank you!


Having penned down 400 posts on WordPress, I rejoice. I celebrate you, friend for being a unique part of my beautiful journey. I thank you for each time that you have taken the time to read, like or comment. I love you and praise God for your life.

I also take this as an opportunity to affirm you. You are a precious Child of God who has a very special place in the Father’s heart. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I do hope that all my writing serves to connect you to His heart and truth. I ask you to share testimonies + experiences with Jesus that you have as a result of being on here.

Joy, when shared, only multiplies!

So as I draw to a close, I will leave you with one last thought –

This cyber space, friend is a safe landing place for you – a precious corner of the Internet where you are seen, valued, encouraged, covered and prayed for. Here, you are fed slices of the Living Bread till rivers of living water spring up from your innermost being.

When life gets hard, you are welcome here. When life seems good, you are welcome here. For Jesus says,

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”

(Romans 12:15)

And wherever you find yourself on the map of life, I just want you to know that God loves you. He cares, and He has a good plan, purpose and destiny for your life.

Wrapping my arms around you,
