Tiny miracles!

I read a blog post by Ann Voskamp earlier this month, friends. And it has easily been one of the most heartfelt and impactful messages to me, this season.

September to me marks what I call a ‘bridge-building’ month. It is a point of convergence between the last few weeks of Summer this year and the ushering in of the Fall. It is that surreal season where the feel of warm cakes and the sensation of  ice-cream dripping down my forearm, all seem to beautifully collide and peacefully co-exist.

This is where cup cakes, cookies and coffee beckon me and warm me up toward Fall, yet the precious scent of Summer continues to linger and entice.

Ok. Enough said.

Now back to the post.

Ann here gently encourages us to seize the last few weeks of Summer with passion and zeal. Needless to say, I was deeply moved and made up my heart to do just that. She also attaches a list in her post of some things that we can do in this special season to seize the flavour of Summer in what the year-end still has to  offer, and squeeze the delight of childlike wonder as we commit to what I feel can best be described as – tiny miracles.

β˜† the feel of cool, running water over my tippy toes

β˜† having drippy butterscotch ice-cream

β˜† applying pink guava shine lip balm with its fruity scent washing over me

β˜† standing in my open balcony under the night sky, listening to the sound of water cascading down a stone wall at the entrance of our building

β˜† listening to the sound of the world go by as I slow down and pray

β˜† watching the sun set with Jesus and praising Him for painting the sky a different hue each time

β˜† hearing the pitter-patter of gentle rain falling in the wee hours of the night

β˜† eating fresh kiwi fruit from the market, and letting Jesus teach me to peel & cut it myself for the first time in my life!

Tiny miracles.

Getting myself ready for year-end thus, friends.

Though the thought of woollen socks and  hot tea seem to soften me up for Fall, yet there remains honor to be paid to the last few weeks of Summer. And as September builds the bridge in between the seasons, I can’t help but ask,

Care to join me?



β€œWhat is the value of your soul to God? Could your worth be defined by any amount of money? God doesn’t abandon or forget even the small sparrow he has made. How then could he forget or abandon you? What about the seemingly minor issues of your life? Do they matter to God? Of course they do! So you never need to worry, for you are more valuable to God than anything else in this world.”

(Luke 12:6-7, TPT)

Friends, today as I sat with Jesus over this passage of Scripture in my ‘Lectio Divina’ time (btw, if you have not yet been introduced to this practice, I highly recommend you googling some information on it, you won’t regret it, I promise!) I felt a tender, gentle reminder from Abba’s heart to soak in the Truth that I am hugely valued and eternally worthy in His sight. He looks at me with the deepest affection in His heart, a huge smile on His lips and a pure delight in His eyes.


So I have made up my mind.

That that’s really the only thing that is going to define me.

The Love of my Father, my Heavenly Dad.


A love so deep, profound and faithful that it will never leave me nor forsake me. It will never abandon me. It promises to be eternally true to me –

To be with me, to fight for me, to make a way for me.

Always and forever.

And should you let me speak some Truth over you today, He is the same for you too.

A doting, hands-on Father who is intimately involved in the details of your life.

You are His child, beloved – sought after, precious, valued, cared for, wanted, needed, esteemed, honored, fought for.

And though man may fail you, Jesus never will.

He calls you beautiful, bold, fearless, wise, strong, courageous.

He enfolds you within His loving embrace and calls you His own – His image bearer in the earth and His chosen one.

And no.

We don’t deserve it. We couldn’t have earned it.

But it is a grace-gift and the Bible says that Abba gives good gifts to His children.


So I’m learning to receive this uncomon grace, friend in a way so free and trusting that it lets my Heavenly Dad know –

“I love you right back, Abba. I love you right back.”


Heaven come

Hey you!

The Good News is that there is change in the air. I know you are probably tired, so am I. But our joy is not of this world.

Our joy, our peace, our hope is tethered to the reality of another world.

And guess what the other piece of the Good News is?

You get to receive and release that reality into the tiny corner of the world that you call your turf.

God created you, chose you and said,
“It is good.”

So shall we do this thing together, friend?

As the rains come down, let us roll up our
sleeves and get to work.

Let us pray, love and serve well this season.

Let us manifest a slice of Heaven in the earth.

Let us walk in the Truth of our identity as much loved children of God.

Let us flow in the power of His Spirit and in our authority as co-heirs with Christ.

Let us make a list of things we are grateful for.

Let us look back on our trauma and tell it that it does not get to define us.

Let us receive the Lord’s perspective and partner with the King of glory.

Let us bring to rememberance the testimonies of His faithfulness and rejoice.

Let us live fully, freely and abundantly.

And should it look like a selfie or two, know that you deserve it.

You are worthy, you are valued, you are loved.

Hey you!

That would be you.


Showers of Blessings

These two precious snails yesterday taught me to trust the timing of God, friends.

For a few days now on this side of the globe (I live in India!), we have been sitting in the bliss of some very welcome monsoon rains. The trees have been washed and cleansed, the soil rendered moist, and the snails, loose.

So I took a long stroll hand-in-hand with Jesus last evening. A newfound leap in my step betrayed my joy with the kindest intentions. And with each step forward, my eyes started growing wide with wonder.

I began to experience the awe of God in a fresh new way.

In a way that showed me where a few days back, we were primarily held hostage indoors due to the intense heat and humidity, we were now experiencing such joy and bliss alongwith the freedom to be able to truly enjoy the beauty and splendour of creation, and the difference between the two scenarios was, what we call, a shift in seasons.

“He changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and establishes them.”

(Daniel 2:21)

Candid confession time, friends.

As a believer, I honestly struggle and wrestle with God to be able to accurately discern the times and seasons that I orbit in and out of. He is faithful, I am happy to testify, and lets me in when I seek Him. So it was this time too.

Transition change.

A season of dryness morphing into showers of blessing.


And I am beginning to suspect even spiritually.


Let’s get back to the snails.

With their home on their backs, these two precious snails were positioned right next to one another when I, still within my apartment’s complex, received a gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit.

“Let’s take a few steps out.”

Yes, Sir.

So off I went following His leading. And just a couple of steps through the gate of my building was awaiting me this exquisite sight.

Two precious snails carefully aligned next to one another. Five minutes here and two minutes there – I would have missed it! For one champion was headed up north, while the other downtown. Different destinations assigned to each comrade, yet carefully juxtaposed with one another in this one moment of time.

Divine timing .

Isn’t it amazing friends?

Isn’t it amazing how our Heavenly Father is so intimately involved with us, even in the smallest details of our lives?

Helps me to know that He never misses a thing.

He is present. He is intimate. He cares.

He cares about His Beloved finding these two precious snails forming a yin-yang all their own to let me know that even my seconds are carefully timed so that whatever it is that He has for me, never misses me.

All we need to do is pay attention, friends and there are tiny miracles all around us.

Including what we call, a shift in seasons.

Yes, even spiritually.

With a timely downpour washing clean both, creation and the children of God; I felt a deeper stirring in my soul, and as I continue to write, it nags me all the way into faith for more.

For more of the awe of God.

The God who changes times and seasons, translating a dry and arid time into a season of fresh outpouring, blessing and favour; is the One I am wanting the more of.

For being in awe of Him, captivated by His majesty serves to heal my heart and reignite hope.

Hope for a season that brings us into a fuller manifestation of all that He has in His heart for us is what I am beginning to let myself have faith for.

So as I was soaking in the Word today friends, I found myself praying and prophesying some tender and potent truths over myself in a spontaneous outburst of Psalm 89.

I felt it on my heart to share with you too what I believe He has released, so that together we will walk into a bountiful future.

A future that is full of the bounty of heaven, both spiritually and naturally.

Paving the way forward, I am sharing now a benediction for Showers of Blessings based on the Promise of God from Psalm 89, The Passion Translation. I encourage you to personalise Scripture and confess it over your life as the very heart and words of Father God concerning you.


Friend, the Lord loves intimacy in a way that is up, close and personal; dares vulnerability and demonstrates trust.

So let’s go.

This is what I believe Father God says to you,

    “I have chosen you, ____________________ ,
Beloved Child of God,

as my loving servant and exalted you.
I have anointed you with the oil of my holiness.
I will be strength to you and I will give you my grace to sustain you no matter what comes.
None of your enemies will get the best of you
nor will the wicked one overpower you.
 For I will crush your every adversary
 and do away with all who hate you.
Because I love you  and treasure you
my faithfulness will always protect you.
I will place my great favor upon you
and I will cause your power and fame to increase.
I will set your hand over the sea
and your right hand over the rivers.
And you will come before me, saying,
    β€˜You truly are my Father, my only God, and my strong deliverer!’

…     This covenant will be an unbreakable promise that I have established for all time.”

Says the Lord.

In my experience friends, the best way to respond to God when He gives us a promise from His heart is to pray in alignment so that we can see the manifestation activated and fulfilled.

King David did this, Scripture tells us when God gave him a promise that his son would be the one to build the temple of the Lord at Jerusalem and that David’s dynasty would indeed be established.

I’m guessing we can too.

Join me friend, won’t you?

“Dear Heavenly Father,
I am so thankful that you love me and I want you to know that I love you too. I thank you that you have given me access to some truly precious and great promises concerning my Identity, sustenance, protection, vindication and favour. I receive them with praise and ask that you will activate all that is needed in the unseen realm so that the seasons up ahead will testify to Your Faithfulness in my life as Your beloved child. I thank You that He who promised is Faithful and I wait in confident expectation to watch You move. Keep me close, Father and give me eyes to see and ears to hear so that I may know you deeper still.

In the Beautiful Name of Jesus,
I pray,

Let the seasons change.

Seeking Truth

The Word of God is both, a skillful scalpel and a mighty sword.

Talking of God’s Word today friends. Speaking of which, I humbly realise that no matter how much we say, it will never be enough.

But I told Jesus I’d try.

Thanks for your time.

Let me start with the story I believe He laid on my heart last evening as I began to churn with creative ideas for this post. If you have spent some time studying God’s Word, you may be familiar with the story of Elijah and the widow of Zaraphath recorded in 1 Kings 17. If not, no sweat. I’ll break it down for you.


Elijah, friends was a prophet of the Lord in Old Testament times. When the nation of Israel became rebellious and idolatrous by worshipping gods other than Yahweh, the net result was not only moral decay but also the inevitable circumstantial consequences that followed their disobedience towards the Lord.

Led completely astray under the leadership of Ahab, an extremely evil king; Israel found itself in grave trouble. That was when Elijah stepped onto the scene and prayed for the Lord to shut up the heavens to get the people to a point of realisation and repentance so that they could be restored.

So what culminated as a result was a drought which lasted three and a half years. Even at great personal cost, Elijah put the purpose of God at the center of His life and persevered to see Israel turn around.

Israel eventually did and the drought was lifted. But that’s not the point of this story.

The point of this story is the power of God’s Word.

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

(Isaiah 55:11, NKJV)

During the drought, Elijah was supernaturally supplied with food and water. The Lord sent him to a place where Elijah drank from a brook while God arranged for ravens to bring him bread and meat in the morning + evening.

However, the brook soon dried up.

But the good news is that the provision of the Lord did not.

The Lord commanded Elijah to go to a place called Zaraphath where God said He had already commanded a widow to supply him with food.

I am sure Elijah must have been surprised at this because widows in that time were presumably poor. Yet, how often do we see God provide instruction in a way that perhaps makes no sense in the given moment?

A test of faith.

Elijah’s story testifies.

Zaraphath was devastated by the onslaught of drought and famine. Starvation threatened the lives of people. These were indeed some desperate times, friends. And to top it all, God decides to send Elijah to a poor widow for provision.

Elijah at this point I believe summoned all his courage and asked the poor widow who did not even have enough firewood and was found by him collecting sticks.

Yet, Elijah did as he was told.

As the poor widow told Elijah that all she had was only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug which she was preserving for her last meal to be had with her son, preparing thereafter to die; Elijah audaciously interrupted her plans.

He told her that before she could cook a meal for herself and her son, she would first make a loaf of bread for him.

It was a request, actually. A very bold one.

What prompted him to say this, I hear you ask.

The Word of the Lord.

“For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.'”

(1 Kings 17:14)

God promised Elijah a never-ending supply of provision from a tiny jar of limited flour and a tiny jug of limited water.

And so it was.

“For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah.”

(1 Kings 17:16)

Friends, whether I see it in the case of Jesus multiplying the two fish and five loaves of bread in the New Testament so much so that there were twelve basketsful of provision even after the crowd had eaten, or in the case of Elijah and the widow of Zaraphath in the Old Testament having more than enough to fill their stomachs even in the midst of an impossible drought and famine situation; one truth stands out to me:

Our limited resources when entrusted into the eternal hands of our Multiplying Master become a superabundant supply of God’s riches.

For our limitations are His opportunity.

All we need is a Word from the Lord.

Because the Word of the Lord goes forth like a mighty sword to manifest that which He has spoken and pull down strongholds that are contrary to His will.

It is designed and anointed to contradict, challenge and change the state of our circumstances.

Till our circumstances are brought into alignment with His will.

For His will is revealed through His Word.

Our part, friends in God’s story is to believe, receive and steward His Word.

For this is what God says to us,

“Open your mouth with a mighty decree;
    I will fulfill it now, you’ll see!
    The words that you speak, so shall it be!”

(Psalm 81:10, TPT)

Father God encourages us to speak His Word, friends.

To boldly declare it as a mighty sword in our mouth that is able to pull down strongholds in oppositional circumstances till our circumstances begin to align with the truth of that which He has spoken and the realm of His Kingdom is made manifest.

On Earth as it is in Heaven.

That is what God’s Word does in the context of our circumstances. But what about the condition of our hearts, friends?

Our inner world matters.

“For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

(Romans 10:9)

God’s Word, friends falls first on the ground of our hearts. So it is important that our hearts be soft and supple so that they can easily receive and believe what He is desiring for us to hear and implement.

But that is really not how we start with Jesus.

Because above all else, Jesus invites us to come to Him, just the way we are. Bound and shackled up. Shamed and discounted. Hurt and heartbroken. Hard and bitter.

He doesn’t really care how much of baggage we are dealing with, as long as we are willing to humbly surrender it all to Him and watch Him do what only He can do.

“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit”

(Zechariah 4:6)

For the Lord is famous for taking the broken and fragmented pieces of our lives, and weaving them all together in the masterful way that only He knows to, ultimately resurrecting a master piece from the inside and out so that it brings glory to His Name.

Well known evangelist, Christine Caine often says,

“Your history does not define your destiny. You can start bad and finish good in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Our God is truly a miracle working God, friends.

He takes our brokenness and gives us wholeness in exchange. He translates our pain into purpose and brings beauty from ashes. He heals the anger and bitterness in our hearts by teaching us to forgive. He promises us justice as we agree to put our trust in Him. In fact, the Bible calls him the Restorer of Broken Dwellings. So it shouldn’t surprise us when He starts with first holistically healing and restoring the broken condition of our hearts, minds, bodies and souls for New Testament says that now we are His holy temple, the habitation of His Spirit.

β€œOr do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?”

(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

We are now His beloved children, holy and blameless in His sight. And guess what every good father cares about when it comes to His kids?

Their peace, their joy, their hope.

And anything that interferes with the kind intentions of God is dealt with.

Foremost of which, are the lies that we have believed, friends which affects the ground of our hearts.

Yes. It’s true.

Lies that we have believed about the nature and character of God. Lies about ourselves and our identity in Him. Lies about the world that we are called to touch and transform.

Lies designed by the enemy to keep us in deception and bondage.

But Christ came to set us free.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

(John 8:36)

So where do we turn to receive Truth that is able to set us free, remains a valid question.

The Word of God.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

(Hebrews 4:12, ESV)

God’s Word consists of Truth that are words anointed by His Holy Spirit, possessing the power to pierce and heal with the surgical precision of a scalpel.

It completely counters the lies of the enemy, reveals the authentic heart of God and brings His children into the light.

The light of the true nature and character of God, the light of our true identity in Him and the light of the truth about the world we are called to touch and transform.

The Aramaic language calls it, “noohrah” – the revelation light of God as well as the glory light of Christ.

This is the light of God, friends that pierces the dark, dismantles lies, reveals Truth and sets the captives free.

The light of God which sees us as a chosen people, a royal priesthood and a holy nation – forgiven and redeemed as the righteousness of God in Christ.

The light of God which deems us radically loved, fully known, carefully understood and deeply valued as the very family and household of God.

The light of God which draws a line in the sand through the blood-stained path of Calvary and demarcates between the counterfeit roar of the enemy (fear or intimidation) and the holy roar of the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Perfect Love which casts out all fear and breeds inner rest, deep assurance and complete security).

Psalm 36:9 says it well,

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.”

The power of the Word of God.

Both, as a skillful scalpel and a mighty sword.

Where can you apply the Truth of God’s powerful Word today, friend?

Let Love happen

I’ve noticed one thing about pain. It compels us to misunderstand the nature and character of God.

Much like Eve.

Cut to the chase, here goes.

The Bible tells us that God told Eve she was free to eat from any tree in the Garden of Eden, except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Why did He do that?

I believe that God was actually protecting her freedom and that of man, because we were perhaps never designed to know any evil. Yet, in the face of an inadequate understanding of God’s true nature, Eve sinned.

To me friends, it is not so much the sin that led her to partake of the forbidden fruit that matters, as much as it is what led her to.

“Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, β€œDid God really say, β€˜You must not eat from any tree in the garden?'”

(Genesis 3:1)

For the crafty serpent to come in and sow doubt in Eve’s mind with irrelevant questions like, “Did God really say?” and have her succumb to the temptation of sin so easily, I do feel that somewhere Eve did not know the nature and character of her God well enough to begin with.

Neither did I.

But when you know better, you do better.

I am so glad, friends that we serve a God who forgives, redeems and makes all things new.

Jesus does not sit on the Throne with a stock of all our sin. He already dealt with that on the Cross.

He sits on the Throne and fights for us instead.

Our God is with us. He is for us. And He fights for us.

The Good News here is that He does not fight for victory, He fights from it.

Talking of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Word of God says:

“Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. He was not their prisoner; they were his!”

(Colossians 2:15, TPT)

In short?

Having defeated and disarmed the powers of darkness, Jesus reigns.

And in Him, we do too.

With absolute victory over sin, sickness and death; we are called to co-reign with Christ.

So in the face of so much adversity, persecution and trauma; I am learning to be very intentional about reminding myself of some truths that though appear basic, are the very cornerstone of our faith.

And what I am realizing is that though in Christ, we do have victory over sin, sickness and death; we are not exempt from pain and suffering.

We are in the world, but not of it.

The world we live in friends, is lost and broken. So are the people that constitute it.

So when God called us to fight the good fight of faith, He made it abundantly clear that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the forces of darkness  for which we have absolute triumph through Christ.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

(Ephesians 6:12)

Yes and Amen.

So it naturally follows that our enemy is not our parent, our sibling or our next door neighbour.

Our enemy is the devil, Satan. And the Good News is that he is defeated.


The same crafty serpent that once deceived Eve and has continued in his attempts till date, is forever defeated.


"By the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony." 

(Revelation 12:11)

But here is the catch.

The degree to which we seek to know the Lord is the degree to which we will be abe to walk conscious of this reality, on an everyday basis.

Pain and suffering always threaten to numb or dim our consciousness of the victory we have through Christ. So it becomes important that we learn to process it in a healthy way.

In a way that is worthy of us.

For our perspective during such times, is the difference between life and death.

We will either succumb to the despair and hopelessness that our enemy, Satan would love for us.


Or we can choose to run to Jesus.
Run to Him for the healing we need in our souls and the perspective we need in our thought process.

Co-operating with the reality that God is trying to cultivate in us during such times friends, is key.

Are we trying to avenge ourselves, or are we letting Him avenge us?

Are we wasting precious emotional resources on harbouring bitterness and resentment, or are we learning to forgive, let go and trust God?

Are we walking in anxiety and dread, or in the fullness of the peace and power that the Lord died for us to receive?

The difference between the two sets of scenarious presented here is the difference between being a victim of our circumstances or rising above them as more than conquerors through Christ.

God often says to us,

Choose life.

Therefore, I choose to intentionally put Christ first. To surrender my will to be aligned with His and I find that the more I do so, the more I get to know the Lord.

Friends, as I am learning to do just what He says, I have found myself face-to-face with one beautiful yet startling reality,

“I may know Jesus fairly well, but I don’t know Him well enough.”

I really don’t.

I may know Him well enough to know that He is fully and completely worthy of my faith and trust, but I don’t know Him well enough to know just how much He does honour child-like trust and mustard-seed faith.

I may know Him well enough to know that He is perfect in love and perfect in wisdom, but I don’t know Him well enough to know the full extent of all that He really is, all that He is capable of doing and all that which He will do.

I may know Him well enough to know that He is my best friend and my glorious king, but I don’t know Him well enough to know His next move on my behalf.

I may know Him well enough to know that He will never leave me nor forsake me, but I don’t know Him well enough to know just how very faithful and relentless His pursuit of me, in reality, is.

I may know Him well enough to know that He is sovereign and has the final say in all matters that concern us, but I don’t know Him well enough to know just how He will bend the rules of the game as we journey on.

I may know Him well enough to know that He is good, He does good and He works all things together for good in conformity with the counsel of His will, but I don’t know Him well enough to know just how He will manifest this Romans 8:28 promise again in my life circumstances.

I know Him fairly well, friends. But I don’t know Him well enough.

Fairly well to know Him as a beloved father, a heavenly saviour and a dreadful champion of my cause; but not well enough to know just what that may mean in its entirety as my destiny unfolds.

But I take heart in what I do know.

For what I do know is that with each day that unfolds, I can seek to know Him more.

Filled with the awe and wonder of His majesty, His mercy and His might.

And somewhere I suspect that the same holds true for you too, my friend.

So together?

Let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.

Let Love happen.
