Our Rock

“When the rug was pulled out from under me, I found solid rock beneath my feet.”

A lot has been burned up. A lot has been shaken. A lot feels lost.

As I write this, I am keenly aware that so many of us have been trudging through impossible circumstances, trying to scale insurmountable mountains.

But friend, I want you to know that there is healing in the valley and there is honey in the rock.

Our setbacks may have caught us by surprise, but God knows the end from the beginning. And He still has a plan, a purpose and a sure path of victory moving forward.

Do not fear. Hold onto Hope.

All of us want to know the miracles of God, but very few of us want to know the God of miracles. The latter always requires us to be in a position where we need him to show up – a posture of vulnerability in the face of fear and uncertainty.

Here it is important for us to remember the nature and character of our God – he is rich in mercy, abounding in grace, perfect in love and unrestrained in power.

He rules the earth with the scepter of his throne, and works on the behalf of truth, humility & justice. Though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, the Word of the Lord endures forever.

Stepping into the rocky landscape of this post-pandemic world, I see God creating a new reality, and he is doing it by the power of the Spoken Word.

Certainly we have seen our circumstances cave and crumble, but the power of God’s Word has withstood the test, the tribulation, the hell, the highwater, the fire and the storm.

Jesus told us that God’s Word is firm foundation for us to build our lives on. And I have found that in a time when everything that can be shaken has been shaken, it is only that which cannot be shaken that remains – all things built upon the kingdom of God.

The kingdom still remains unshaken, and always will be.

So the waves can roar and the winds can blow, but I will be still and know –

.. the ground where I stand is not only rock solid, but rather solid Rock.



“The Eucharest: Receiving the holy grail of peace, grace and joy with thanksgiving.”

It was on Holy Thursday that Jesus broke bread with his disciples. Before the Passover Lamb could be sacrificed for good, he wanted to have one last meal with his friends & followers. 

Dr. Luke in the gospel account records the words of Jesus thus, “and he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them…” (Luke 22:19).

In the original language, ‘he gave thanks’ reads – ‘eucharisteo.’ The root word of eucharisteo is ‘charis’ which means ‘grace.’ Jesus took bread, saw it as grace and gave thanks.

So ‘eucharisteo,’  thanksgiving, envelopes the Greek word for grace, ‘charis.’  And the Greek word for grace, charis forms the very heart of the word, eucharisteo.

Because it was soon to be the grace of God found in the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb which would form the very heart of the table of the eucharisteo – the table of thanksgiving.

And this brings us to the deeper meaning of the Greek word – charis. For it is derived from the Greek word, ‘chara’  meaning ‘joy.’

Because deep chara joy is found only at the table of the eucharisteo – the table of thanksgiving, where the grace of God that brings with it the promise of wholeness and shalom is enfleshed for us in the Person of Jesus – the Living Bread that was broken to give us new life.

Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving. Charis. Grace. Chara. Joy.

The days after The Lord’s Supper were days that were going to see the deepest kind of wounding inflicted on him, followed by a day of gloom and despair, before he would finally be raised back to life again.

And the days that we are now walking into this Holy week commemorate & celebrate the same reality – if we suffer with him, we will also be raised up in glory with him (2 Timothy 2:12).

A Friday that saw Jesus suffer as the Lamb of God, a Saturday that marked a bridge between his suffering and his glory, and a Sunday that saw the resurrection power of God triumph over hell and death for all time to come are not only a testament of great hope to us, but also serve to take us on a brief journey that we will from time-to-time embark upon this side of heaven.

Take my hand, friend and let me lead you through it.

Good Friday:

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

(Hebrews 4:15-16)

The above passage of Scripture reveals that though Jesus was sinless, he was not pain-free. He was in fact, ‘tempted in every way, just as we are.’ He too was familiar with the pain of abuse, persecution, insults, ridicule, rejection and betrayal; so much so that he eventually surrendered even to a most terrifying death on the cross!

This tells me that as we walk through the pain and trauma of this fractured world, we can trust that even when no one else understands what we are going through, Jesus perfectly does.

And he doesn’t tell us to deny it, bury it or numb it.

Much the opposite really.

He encourages us to bring our wounding to him, because by his stripes, we are healed. The day we reckon as, ‘Good Friday’ is proof of that.

For the crown of thorns on his head to be bartered for the wreath of peace we now wear, this was a day when the righteous died for the unrighteous, the godly for the ungodly, the sinless for the sinner.

It wasn’t fair, but it was necessary.

Likewise, your suffering and mine has purpose too. There is nothing glamorous about it, but it is glorious.

How, you ask…

Our pain, whatever it may be, when brought to the foot of the Cross, enables a divine exchange –

Brokenness for wholeness.

Human suffering now embraced by his glory becomes not only shared and dignified, but immensely transformative.

Eugene Peterson puts it like this,

“…people do not suffer less when they are committed to following God. But when these people go through suffering, their lives are often transformed, deepened, marked with beauty and holiness, in remarkable ways that could never have been anticipated before the suffering.”

Our pain produces purpose when it is embraced by the beauty and power of who God is. For this is the truth of the cruciform life –

The Lord walked through unjust suffering, we will too. There is nothing right about it,  but I’m reminded that love is the logic of heaven.

So if our Savior hung on a tree that we may have hope in the midst of our pain and suffering, then let this somber yet sacred day called, ‘Good Friday’  serve as a reminder to us that our brokenness on this side of eternity does not disqualify us from the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus. In fact, it is through our brokenness that God works all things together to qualify us and to script songs of glory for all generations to echo.

So, as we have opportunity, let us approach the throne of grace – the table of the eucharisteo – to find the help we need in our time of need, but to do so with hope and joy, praise and expectation …

.. and a ton of thanks.

Silent Saturday:

“Wait for the Lord;

    be strong and take heart

    and wait for the Lord.”

(Psalm 27:14)

Sandwiched between Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection was a day where darkness seemed to have prevailed and all hope felt lost in Jerusalem. Grief and despair hung in the air as the disciples huddled together, without any comprehension of what was next. God had orchestrated this pregnant pause of sorts, but the atmosphere was thick with sorrow and suspense.

Friend, in our walk of faith, we too will have moments when we feel hopeless and discouraged. But when we do, we can always find comfort and camaraderie with the disciples. We can know that just like this wasn’t the end of their story, what we are walking through isn’t ours either.

‘Silent Saturday’ – a day riddled with fear and doubt – was in fact, a necessary bridge between the disciples’ history and their destiny. It was a purposed cross over between what was and what was yet to be – the Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection, which meant but one thing:

Life would never be the same again. But on a despondent Saturday wedged between a catastrophic Friday and a monumental Sunday, this secret was hidden from them.

And somewhere I suspect the same holds true for us too.

We may not be able to fully understand or comprehend the ‘why’ behind our perceived delays, but one thing we can be certain of –

God is in it with us, and he is not busy preparing the blessing for us, but rather he is engaged in preparing us for the blessing he has already prepared for us.

In other words, our waiting is not the end of us, but rather the ‘becoming’ of us. He is the Alpha, he is the omega; but the journey?

That’s where we’ll find him.

Resurrection Sunday:

“It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.”

(1 Peter 3:21-22)

I took a walk with the Lord the other day – a phenomenon I love calling, ‘walking with the Lord in the cool of the day.’

And as I walked on, I found myself toying with the two keys I currently possess. One is the key to the main entrance of my home, while the other unlocks my personal almirah. Wrapping each key ring around my right and left thumb respectively, I smiled.

Peering into the face of Jesus, I suddenly realised that what I really had in possession was not just the two keys that opened up portals in the natural realm, but rather keys that had authority in the spiritual. As this epiphany came through, it brought me right back to the message of Easter:

“Because on the third day, he rose again, I now have the keys to hell and death, in Jesus’ Name.”

He is Risen!

I am Risen!


So this is the Good News we celebrate on Passover.

Death has been swallowed up in victory, and darkness has been eternally vanquished!

Therefore, we can never be deadlocked in any situation because the Lamb of God has  overcome. As prized children of the most high God, we can rest in the assurance that what seems to be the end is now only a new beginning in his hands – which makes our lives a saga of unending hope, brave adventure and ceaseless glory.

The Bible states that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). So as we lift up the cup of the new covenant this Passover, let us look at our challenges square in the eye, pick up the sword of the Spirit, and decree what he has decreed over our lives, thereby enforcing the triumph of the Cross and establishing God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

One of the Lord’s last directives to his disciples was to take the bread, the wine, and to remember. Do this in rememberance of me. Remember, and give thanks.

For the truth is that after what the Lord has done for us, we can never repay him. But we can remember him.

And as we remember him, it is we who will be reminded of who we are and whose we are. The Psalmist puts it like this,

“So now, what can I ever give back to God to repay him for the blessings he’s poured out on me? I will lift up his cup of salvation and praise him extravagantly for all that he’s done for me.”

(Psalm 116:12-13, TPT)

So friend, as we approach the Holy Week, let us lay hold of the life that is truly life, let us celebrate the Lord’s grace with peace, joy and thanksgiving.

Let us take the bread, take the wine and take communion.

Let us remember..

…and let us give thanks.


A Unique Paradox

“If you don’t go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don’t deserve me. If your first concern is to look after yourself, you’ll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you’ll find both yourself and me.”

(Matthew 10:38-39, MSG)

Setting our hearts on Jesus, and letting His heart pulsate through, what say?

I’m learning its more playful than we think!


Sealed with Love 📨

Dear Friends,

I write today to say God is Good.

He is a Good, Good Father who delights in the desires of our hearts. Yes, even those tender ones that we are tempted to discount. For me, this has meant a beautiful amalgam of Loops + Journal + Bible Study these past few days.

I first saw these loops earlier this year on Jenn Johnson  and I immediately knew that I would very much like a pair for myself. Was it the best time for me to indulge?

Honestly, no.

So I laid it down.

Soon after, I saw this journal in the shop next door. It caught my eye, as only some things do. I immediately knew that I wanted to purchase it, yet I wasn’t too sure. Not sure if it was needed, not sure if it even fit my budget.

But I had it in my heart. So I laid it down.

Fast forward to August. I get my hands on this awesome Bible Study by Hannah Brencher and yes, I knew I wanted to dive in. But I wasn’t so sure yet again. I was in a trial and my focus was different.

So I laid it down.

Come September 》New Beginnings

Come September, and God starts to reveal Himself as the Father He always has been, but in a whole new way.

Tender, Gracious, Extravagant.

A Father who is so intimately involved in the details of His Daughter’s life, that even when she forgets, He remembers.

He remembers the what, He knows the where, He orders the steps.

To put it bluntly, the past few seasons have been dark. Staying close to Jesus, I have learned to navigate murky waters and make my way through the fiercest storms. I didn’t know if I could even take it at times,  but He carried me anyway.

And He has brought me safely through.

Come September, and God starts to reveal some tender, new truths that suddenly bring a ton of light into my life. He keeps me sensitive to the fact that times and seasons do change, and He is, in fact, Faithful. He tells me to burn the bridges to the trauma of seasons past, and create space for Him to build some new bridges in my life instead.

Some new bridges that will connect the dots… from where I am to where He has promised to take me.

But this also needs faith at a whole new level.

As surely as I have needed faith to sustain me in times of warfare and difficulty, I now also need faith to step into the breakthrough He has fought for me to receive.

“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

(Luke 9:62)

So I decide now to not look back, and instead, to let go of what was so that I can step into what is and what will be..

Legacy as the Script is in the hands of a world-changing God.

So guess what He is doing?

A new thing within the New Thing.

Revealing Fatherhood. Growing relationship. Building bridges..

… for the bridge that links my present to my future is made with the bricks of authenticity, vulnerability and transformation…

And it needs me to open up. It needs me to let go. It needs me to listen to His voice.

It needs me to listen to the still, small voice within. Cliched as it may be, but oh-so-true!

And if I pay attention, I can hear Him.

I can hear Him rap ever so gently on the door of my heart, beckoning me to open up. I can hear Him take me by the hand, inviting me to release control and choose to trust Him instead. I can hear Him bring to rememberance things long forgotten, but only until such a time as this.

Because the Truth is that times do change, desires do come to fruition and promises are made manifest.

And when its time, He can’t be stopped.

“He changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and establishes them.”

(Daniel 2:21)

He is a Good, Good Father whose unrelenting Love will chase us down till we get it ..

His heart for us that is as true as the still, small voice within.

The tender whispers, the gentle musings that come up, seemingly out of nowhere, and remind me that its time for the loops to be bought, for the journal to be filled in and the Bible Study to be printed.

All because my Father knows. My Father sees. My Father cares.

Which brings me to another point.

The Word of God tells me that He will give me the desires of my heart. No – He won’t give me what I want, but rather what to want. And when He does, I know that He doesn’t give me the desires of my heart to frustrate them, but rather to fulfill them.

Whether it’s a beautiful amalgam of loops + journal + Bible study today, or may be a seemingly more important issue tomorrow, I’m beginning to realise that God is involved in the details of our lives.

After all, everything is small for a big God like Him.

All of this to say –

On the day that marks the beginning of the last quarter of 2021, may we pause and listen for His whisper. And as we do,

May we  consider. May we follow. May we rejoice.

May we rejoice in the voice that wades through our thoughts, pierces through the dark, debunks all lies and brings forth light.

May we rejoice in the voice that lifts our spirits, cheers our hearts and encourages our souls to believe at a level that though seemingly outrageous, is only our normal.

May we rejoice in the voice that serves as our GPS and tells us to go another route even when we are convinced that we know what we are doing, and sometimes I think, precisely then.

May we rejoice in the voice that tells us enough price was paid for us to have the permission we need to be free, to be healed, to be whole and to be prosperous.

May we rejoice in the voice that tells us having seen all that you have, you haven’t seen nothing yet.

May we rejoice, friends in the voice deep within – so still, so small, so gentle, so tender – till it becomes the loudest in our lives. Till it is bigger than the narrative and clearer than the noise. Till it redefines reality and manifests life.

Till it is the sole thing that moves us, and as it does, we move mountains.

Till we let that voice win – every single time. Amplified by the sound of our obedience, and not diminished by the clanging of our fear or unbelief.

Till we let that voice have the Final Word.

Because I read the end of The Book, and my Bible says this:

Love wins.

So as I bring this letter to a close friends, I just want to ask you to heed that voice that is deep within you. It may be a tiny flicker, but as you fan it into a flame, know that it only takes a tiny match to set a forest on fire. He is in you and you are in Him – there is no more separation, but only the closeness of relationship. Father and Child enmeshed in Love, proclaiming Victory and rewriting Destiny.

You are a world-changer, just like your Daddy.

And don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise.

Here’s to Loops + Journal + Bible Study! And the treasures of wisdom that go for all eternity!

Love you more than most,


Dear Friend

Post #400 – Yipee Yay & Thank you!


Having penned down 400 posts on WordPress, I rejoice. I celebrate you, friend for being a unique part of my beautiful journey. I thank you for each time that you have taken the time to read, like or comment. I love you and praise God for your life.

I also take this as an opportunity to affirm you. You are a precious Child of God who has a very special place in the Father’s heart. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I do hope that all my writing serves to connect you to His heart and truth. I ask you to share testimonies + experiences with Jesus that you have as a result of being on here.

Joy, when shared, only multiplies!

So as I draw to a close, I will leave you with one last thought –

This cyber space, friend is a safe landing place for you – a precious corner of the Internet where you are seen, valued, encouraged, covered and prayed for. Here, you are fed slices of the Living Bread till rivers of living water spring up from your innermost being.

When life gets hard, you are welcome here. When life seems good, you are welcome here. For Jesus says,

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”

(Romans 12:15)

And wherever you find yourself on the map of life, I just want you to know that God loves you. He cares, and He has a good plan, purpose and destiny for your life.

Wrapping my arms around you,
