Glorious Ends – New Beginnings

“Tie a bow on it.”

In a few days, friends, we will be moving into a brand new year. But as we do, may we look back on the year that has been 2021 – not to stay stuck in what we are gearing up to wrap up, but rather to reflect & learn so that we can grow as we go.
For me personally, this year has been both, difficult + monumental. It has had me traverse the roughest terrain, navigate my way through snakes and adders, but it has also seen the Lord’s hand move me through my pain so mightily that it has grown me closer to His heart than I have ever been.

I call this the art of finding the ‘beauty in the brokenness.’

It will need us to get alone with Jesus for some time so that God is invited in to clean up the lens of our perception and show us the glory of what has been as He takes us into what will be in 2022.

The Father has good plans for us. For each and every single one of us. I believe that with all my heart.

For Jesus writes the script of our lives with grace, hope and promise. He does not plot our pain, but He does use it to evolve us.

So as we prepare our hearts this time of the year, let me leave you with some thoughts.

What was may not have been easy, but I bet it transformed you. I bet it gave you greater grit, purer faith and more strength of character than ever before.

I bet it developed things on the inside of you that couldn’t have been developed any other way.

I bet it taught you to turn your back on the inferior and pursue the superior.

I bet it introduced you to a version of yourself that reflects the image of its Creator better than it ever has.

And I bet that that’s worthy of celebration, sweet friend.

I bet that’s reason enough to tie a bow on 2021, receive the glory it carried and let that fuel us into the next.

He’s just getting started.

Showers of Blessings

These two precious snails yesterday taught me to trust the timing of God, friends.

For a few days now on this side of the globe (I live in India!), we have been sitting in the bliss of some very welcome monsoon rains. The trees have been washed and cleansed, the soil rendered moist, and the snails, loose.

So I took a long stroll hand-in-hand with Jesus last evening. A newfound leap in my step betrayed my joy with the kindest intentions. And with each step forward, my eyes started growing wide with wonder.

I began to experience the awe of God in a fresh new way.

In a way that showed me where a few days back, we were primarily held hostage indoors due to the intense heat and humidity, we were now experiencing such joy and bliss alongwith the freedom to be able to truly enjoy the beauty and splendour of creation, and the difference between the two scenarios was, what we call, a shift in seasons.

“He changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and establishes them.”

(Daniel 2:21)

Candid confession time, friends.

As a believer, I honestly struggle and wrestle with God to be able to accurately discern the times and seasons that I orbit in and out of. He is faithful, I am happy to testify, and lets me in when I seek Him. So it was this time too.

Transition change.

A season of dryness morphing into showers of blessing.


And I am beginning to suspect even spiritually.


Let’s get back to the snails.

With their home on their backs, these two precious snails were positioned right next to one another when I, still within my apartment’s complex, received a gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit.

“Let’s take a few steps out.”

Yes, Sir.

So off I went following His leading. And just a couple of steps through the gate of my building was awaiting me this exquisite sight.

Two precious snails carefully aligned next to one another. Five minutes here and two minutes there – I would have missed it! For one champion was headed up north, while the other downtown. Different destinations assigned to each comrade, yet carefully juxtaposed with one another in this one moment of time.

Divine timing .

Isn’t it amazing friends?

Isn’t it amazing how our Heavenly Father is so intimately involved with us, even in the smallest details of our lives?

Helps me to know that He never misses a thing.

He is present. He is intimate. He cares.

He cares about His Beloved finding these two precious snails forming a yin-yang all their own to let me know that even my seconds are carefully timed so that whatever it is that He has for me, never misses me.

All we need to do is pay attention, friends and there are tiny miracles all around us.

Including what we call, a shift in seasons.

Yes, even spiritually.

With a timely downpour washing clean both, creation and the children of God; I felt a deeper stirring in my soul, and as I continue to write, it nags me all the way into faith for more.

For more of the awe of God.

The God who changes times and seasons, translating a dry and arid time into a season of fresh outpouring, blessing and favour; is the One I am wanting the more of.

For being in awe of Him, captivated by His majesty serves to heal my heart and reignite hope.

Hope for a season that brings us into a fuller manifestation of all that He has in His heart for us is what I am beginning to let myself have faith for.

So as I was soaking in the Word today friends, I found myself praying and prophesying some tender and potent truths over myself in a spontaneous outburst of Psalm 89.

I felt it on my heart to share with you too what I believe He has released, so that together we will walk into a bountiful future.

A future that is full of the bounty of heaven, both spiritually and naturally.

Paving the way forward, I am sharing now a benediction for Showers of Blessings based on the Promise of God from Psalm 89, The Passion Translation. I encourage you to personalise Scripture and confess it over your life as the very heart and words of Father God concerning you.


Friend, the Lord loves intimacy in a way that is up, close and personal; dares vulnerability and demonstrates trust.

So let’s go.

This is what I believe Father God says to you,

    “I have chosen you, ____________________ ,
Beloved Child of God,

as my loving servant and exalted you.
I have anointed you with the oil of my holiness.
I will be strength to you and I will give you my grace to sustain you no matter what comes.
None of your enemies will get the best of you
nor will the wicked one overpower you.
 For I will crush your every adversary
 and do away with all who hate you.
Because I love you  and treasure you
my faithfulness will always protect you.
I will place my great favor upon you
and I will cause your power and fame to increase.
I will set your hand over the sea
and your right hand over the rivers.
And you will come before me, saying,
    ‘You truly are my Father, my only God, and my strong deliverer!’

…     This covenant will be an unbreakable promise that I have established for all time.”

Says the Lord.

In my experience friends, the best way to respond to God when He gives us a promise from His heart is to pray in alignment so that we can see the manifestation activated and fulfilled.

King David did this, Scripture tells us when God gave him a promise that his son would be the one to build the temple of the Lord at Jerusalem and that David’s dynasty would indeed be established.

I’m guessing we can too.

Join me friend, won’t you?

“Dear Heavenly Father,
I am so thankful that you love me and I want you to know that I love you too. I thank you that you have given me access to some truly precious and great promises concerning my Identity, sustenance, protection, vindication and favour. I receive them with praise and ask that you will activate all that is needed in the unseen realm so that the seasons up ahead will testify to Your Faithfulness in my life as Your beloved child. I thank You that He who promised is Faithful and I wait in confident expectation to watch You move. Keep me close, Father and give me eyes to see and ears to hear so that I may know you deeper still.

In the Beautiful Name of Jesus,
I pray,

Let the seasons change.