Divine Demarcation

Funnily juxtaposed with the sunny disposition of this design is the mysterious revelation that accompanies it at a time that I candidly confess, was anything but sunny.

If anything at all, it has been fiery.

A fiery trial, some would say.

Going through something like this is not something I would opt for, but when the enemy does wage war, I gang up with Jesus.

Because He wins every battle he ever wages.

So at the very onset of this trial, I prayed to the Lord, friends; and asked Him to not only get me through the string of the impossible situations that seemingly stood like giants before me that came up overnight, but also bring me out with greater spiritual fruit than I had when I went in.

It’s literally how the Lord makes the devil pay.

So I decided to cash in on this Truth.

Today I write to you as a child of God with concrete evidence in her hands that God is Good, God does Good and God works all things together for our good and His great glory.

As He has safely brought me through this trial, friends; I have had to understand the difference between what I felt and what I knew to be Truth at another level.

I will explain as we go on.

With a high value for the revelation-light of Truth, friends; I love it when the Lord makes a wonderful invitation for us to seek Him throughout the pages of Scripture, and one of my most deeply personal favorite verses is thus,

“He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.”

(Daniel 2:22)

So when everything came up under siege overnight, I mentally scanned the Truth thatthe Lord had already deposited in my spirit.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

(Romans 8:28)

If this is true and it is, so the only valid question to ask was,

If this is what the enemy has done, Lord; then how do You want to redefine this narrative according to Your Promise of Romans 8:28?

How will You work all this together for my good and Your glory?

I heard the Lord say,

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

(Matthew 19:26)

Each time that I doubted the Lord during my trek through this trial, the Holy Spirit would gently remind me of this Truth from Matthew 19:26.

I tried to remember the memorial stones that the Lord enabled me to pick up especially this year. Calling to mind testimonies of the Lord’s faithfulness is a sure fire way to stir up faith at a time when little else is needed.

As I would do this along with confessing the Promises of the Lord over my life, I found myself in battle. On the one hand, I knew God was Faithful. He saw me through then, He will see me through now.

But it was also at this precise juncture that the enemy tried to intimidate me with the size of the giant in front of me. I have slain giants before with the Lord, but this one?

I suddenly wasn’t too sure.

On a particularly anxious day, I stumbled over a podcast from Christine Caine. She said something that I felt was straight from the heart of God. I made a note of it. The next day, the message from the Lord’s heart again caught my attention as Christine shared precisely the same thought on her Insta page.

Let me paste it below for you.

It struck home.

I felt bolts of lightning go off in my head as I realised the Truth that it was never the size of the giant in my life that determined my destiny. Rather, it was the size of my God that did.

The God in me. The God through me. The God around me.

With new found faith, I found the courage to believe again. Putting my hands in the hands of Jesus, I decided to let Him walk me through this and teach me everything that was on His heart for me.

After all, this giant may be too big for me. But it was nothing compared to the bigness of my God.

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

(Exodus 14:14)

Because it is the Lord who fights for me, I need only to be still…

What does that mean?

I believe that what the Lord was and still is saying through this is that because it is Him who fights for me, I have no need to be anxious about anything. The enemy is already defeated in Jesus’ Name, and the irrevocable victory of the Cross is already my portion in Christ. Therefore, the outcomes of my life situations and circumstances are already secure in the hands of my God.

But what about the process?

This is where friends, I believe we really get to meet Jesus face-to-face.
The Lord is a God of process. As surely as He kept affirming me that He would bring about my complete deliverance and vindication, He also lovingly exhorted me to commit my way to Him so thatit could align with His right way forward.

So, in response to this perfectly wise Father, I released my process to Him.

And I learnt much.

So much more than before, friends.

With more insights in my spirit, more humility in my heart and more dependency on the Lord; I had many more arrows in my quiver.

Allow me to repeat myself.

This is how Jesus makes the devil pay.

Jesus started to emphatically teach me that though His Promise of victory will see to it that I come out on the other side stronger than I was when I went in, it does not mean that my feelings will magically line up.

More often than not, they don’t.

Though my spirit knows the Truth, my soul is often having a fit.

So what do I do?

I learn to demarcate between spirit and soul.

Between what I know to be the Truth based on what God is saying v/s the feelings that I am currently having which are based on the facts of my temporal circumstances.

As believers in Christ, we are given authority by the Lord to challenge the facts of our current circumstances by declaring the Truth of what God is saying.

Therefore, it naturally follows that the temporary state of my temporal circumstances is just that – temporal. It is now in fact, subject to change according to the eternal, everlasting Truth of God’s Word that will not only come to pass, but will endure forever.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

(2 Corinthians 4:18)

So what I am getting at is this:

When we are willing to acknowledge our opinions and feelings for what they really are – just feelings and opinions – and readily exchange them with the Truth of what God says, then it is a sign that our soul is coming into alignment with God and is thus, being saved.

My soul  says that this is how I am feeling _______________________________ .

But it is also willing to admit that these are just feelings, it is NOT Truth. Just because our feelings are real does not mean that they are right. They are after all, only feelings based on facts. But facts change because God moves in alignment with Truth, and eventually manifests it.

So even though I felt the giant was too big, I knew that it was no match for the bigness of my God. Even though I felt it was the end of everything, I knew that in the Kingdom, it was only a new beginning. Even though I felt abandoned and forsaken, I knew I was never alone for Jesus was with me every step of the way.

Feelings v/s Truth.

A divine demarcation.

So I am learning that the degree to which we are humble enough to admit that how we feel is not based on reality because reality is only determined by what our Holy God says,is the degree to which we will be able to trade them in for Truth and be healed, whole, saved, contented and at peace.

Coming out on the other side of the tunnel, I can attest to the fact that how we feel during a trial is often misleading. The only way through the valley of the shadow of death, is to hold on to the helm of His garment and fix our eyes on Jesus – the author and the perfector of our faith. As we humble ourselves under His mighty hand, He promises to take us by the hand and lead us forward, step-by-step, into His promise for our victory.

And as He does?

Our pit becomes our pulpit
Our test becomes our testimony
Our mess becomes our message
And our trial becomes our triumph!

So as I draw to a close, friend; I will leave you in the Presence of the Lord with one question:

What mountain are you needing Him to move on your behalf today? How can you learn to partner with Him as He unfolds your triumph?

Let me lead you into a prayer to get started.

“Dear Lord Jesus,

I thank You that because of Your finished work on the Cross on my behalf, I am now a partaker of Your Victory, on earth as it is in Heaven. I thank You that in the power of Your Name, the enemy is defeated and I am now seated at Your right hand in heavenly places.

I thank You that You are the Sovereign Lord with whom nothing is impossible. So I ask, Lord that You would help me walk in Your promised victory for my life in the context of the challenges that are confronting me in this present day, time and season of my life.

I invite You to enlighten the eyes of my understanding by Your Spirit so that I can learn to partner effectively with You. Teach me to embrace the process of growth that You have for me through this phase. I trust that because You are fighting for me, I can surrender all my anxiety for Your Perfect Peace.

I also ask for Your help with my emotions and feelings in the process, Lord. As You hold the outcomes of my life securely in Your Faithful Hands, I declare that I will trust that despite what I feel, the Truth is that You have the power to do what You promise. Help my feelings to slowly line up with the Truth of that which You have spoken concerning me as Your Beloved Child and grace me to whole-heartedly receive it.

I thank You that You will not only see me through, Lord but make me better as a result of walking this out by faith in You.
Honor and praise belong to You!

In Your most Holy Name,
I pray,

He fights for you, beloved.

Let Him ⚡