Welcome 2022!

Bringing in the New Year with fresh hope & vigour, friends. Thanks for being a part of this tiny space this year. Hope and pray God’s very best over you and yours in 2022!

I say this often, and I can’t say it enough –

“The best is yet to come.”

Happy 2022 πŸŽ‰
See you on the other side!


Happy 2020! πŸŽ‰

When times change prompting us to shed the old and step into the new,

When cycles of growth are completed signalling the way into yet another dimension of our being waiting to be tapped into,

When seasons shift ushering in a breath of fresh air that causes us to pause and ponder,

When everything seems to come into alignment on the inside so seeds of greatness from deep down within can be made manifest on the outside,

When change is upon us and the only way forward is to embrace the adventure of a brave free fall,

It’s enough to say that the pain that prospered us the past year only served as a pathway towards the breaking of a new dawn.

For when God decides to act, who can reverse His decision?

The verdict is final:

It’s only the beginning of times.

Wishing all a very Happy New Year, and a life that is exceedingly abundant from the inside out!

Happy 2020, friends!
